Sunday, June 7, 2009

One day bleeds into another

If you were to ask me what days it is, I simply could not tell you. I could tell you the date, but not the day. Microsoft's Outlook Calendar tells me when to go to a meeting, when my folks are taking leave, etc. When you are at it everyday, one day just bleeds into another.

Another necessity is the white board. The white board documents what needs to be remembered but simply cannot be housed in my mind with reliable results. It reminds myself that I have communicated this to all and issues are still outstanding. It keeps me honest. It reminds me what the original message was, without my mind spinning the item into an altered priority.


  1. Attention to detail will keep you out of detail (work detail, lawn cutting detail, etc.).

    You are one of the more organized people I have worked with. Keep it up!
