Friday, June 5, 2009

The ultimate job fair

ULTDUSTA is the ultimate job fair, the ultimate networking opportunity. This may seem a bit odd to some, but this is a joint force environment, including contractors, etc., which provides an opportunity to learn about jobs first hand, jobs that you might have only read about. This is the mixer, the chance to get to know the folks with the "Hello my Name is" badge. You are building a reputation and a possible future with an affiliation started here. This is good news considering the 9.4% unemployment in the U.S.
One of my favorite colleagues here is an Air Force major who is a wonderful story teller and a consumate networker. He has, much like one of my esteemed cyber-warriors, figured out how to creatively harvest opportunites in the military in a manner both beneficial to mission and career sustainability.


  1. I finally figured out ULTimate DUty STAtion. There's no better networking than being on the job together, so that makes sense.

  2. Glad you caught the abbreviation. There is also ULTDUTSTA, but I went with the one that on my orders. The military invents acronyms/abbreviations faster than I can remember them.

  3. The world is one big network of people! Just like the networks on TV, some are worth subscribing to, some should be TiVO'd, and some should just be ignored.

    Use every opportunity to help make the world a better place. This chance meeting of people will certainly introduce you to folks who are birds of a feather as well as people to avoid.

    You have good intuition. I think I trust yours more than I do mine!
