Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gainful employment

Happiness is gainful employment. In this last six month stretch of my deployment, I am finally put to work in a capacity aligned with my background experience. In addition, I will have learned some professionally relevant things by the end of this tour. Although a mobilization is indifferent in regard to my personal fulfillment, it does help that I feel positive about what I am doing. Purpose.


  1. I'm glad you're applying your brain power and strong discipline to purpose. I do remember taking my job oh-so seriously when another fellow junior officer told me "some people live to work while some people work to live". Although my FITR totally destroyed his, at the end of the day we both got paid the same and left with the same award. I guess part of it is where one wants to be after the job/assignment/tour. Posture towards that and other desired end-states.

    Hit me up on email!

  2. Gloomster, Given the politics that surrounded a certain micro-theater over here, I am grateful to have a mission and a purpose.
