Thursday, September 17, 2009

I cannot account for my happiness

Why am I so happy? I have been a complete nerd all day, working diligently. I live in a plywood cubicle. I am not nearly as social as I should be. I am away from loved ones. I miss dear friends. I work in a remote dark corner. I shower in a low privacy environment. I sleep in a low privacy environment. I eat in a low privacy environment. People call me Ensign. I just can't explain it.


  1. Hmmmm.. maybe your just manic and on the upswing? I mean who can't see the inate happiness in the shower curtin lightly caressing you whilst you bathe, or the viseral joy of the learing perverts (I would have said Dirty Old men, but that hits too close to home). Happiness is where you find it. I'll be back to work soon enough, unfortunately not in your neck of the woods (desert?) So when you hear the 4 fans of Freedom over head..feel free to flash!

  2. Thanks, for the good word, my friend. Always a pleasure, and I am saddened that I will not see you in AFG. Carry on.
